Ink, Paper, Stone: Geometric Ink Drawing and Pattern Creation

Ink, Paper, Stone: Geometric Ink Drawing and Pattern Creation

Eleanore Mikus (American, 1927–2017), Tablet Litho 6, 1968, lithograph, Norton Simon Museum, Anonymous Gift, © 2022 Eleanore Mikus, Courtesy of the Artist’s Estate

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Beatriz Jaramillo

Join artist and educator Beatriz Jaramillo for an introduction to the exhibition Ink, Paper, Stone: Six Women Artists and the Language of Lithography. Explore the ways that artists from the exhibition, like Eleanore Mikus and Louise Nevelson, used geometric patterns to translate their three-dimensional practice into a two-dimensional one. After the tour, learn how to use ink and stone to create patterned drawings that focus on technique and repetition. Use these pattern drawings to create a collage. (Art-making activity held in our lower-level courtyard.)


The fee of $35 ($28 for members) includes all materials and admission to the galleries on the day of the class.
Advance registration is required. Please use the register button.
Meets in Entrance Gallery