Lecture: Performing Animals in Goya's Prints

Tara Zanardi, Associate Professor of Art History, Hunter College
May 18, 2024

Animals occupy a central place in all four of Francisco de Goya’s print series, from tightrope-walking horses and ferocious bulls to humorous donkeys and screeching owls. Goya was fascinated by animals, most importantly their relationship to humans and their potential to convey symbolic meaning. Goya blurred this animal-human connection by creating fantastical beasts, clothing people in animalistic costumes and representing animals with humanlike qualities or engaged in humanlike activities. This lecture explores such themes by examining key performing animals in Goya’s prints.

Presented in conjunction with the exhibition, I Saw It: Francisco de Goya, Printmaker, on view April 19 through August 5, 2024.