Coral Tree

So named for the majestic cockspur coral tree found at the pond’s western edge, this area of the garden offers a lovely vantage from which to look back at the pond and museum beyond. The coral tree’s dark, gnarled limbs are dramatic during winter months, when its foliage is gone, and during the summer and fall, its bright coral-red flowers and bushy green leaves are equally striking. Adjacent to the tree, visitors cannot miss the second Maillol work—River—a voluptuous woman seemingly tumbling into the pond, surrounded by small clumps of blue sedge. Across the path from this piece is Henry Moore’s sinewy Draped Reclining Woman. Gorgeous orange-flowered water canna and red-stemmed thalia provide more color at the water’s edge.
Featured Sculptures:
Aristide Maillol, River |
Henry Moore, Draped Reclining Woman |
Featured Plants

Canna 'Taney'

Erythrina crista-galli